Saturday, November 20, 2010

It's Home

My journal made it home this week. Thanks everyone for adding what you saw when you went for a walk.

Albina - beautiful woodland scene
Thalia - words in the wires
Rene - backyard with cats and hedgehog
Sudjino - majic wood
Ellen - ND scene with pheasant and buffalo
Ian - mountains and ski lift

All of you are GREAT artists.

Monday, November 1, 2010

my addition to "I Went for a Walk"

Since I've moved to Vancouver, BC almost a decade ago I've always been impressed by how the city sits as though nestled in the lap of so many beautiful peaks, bluff, mountains, and ski runs. Especially when you can simply turn around and see the expanse of the Pacific lapping against the shoreline. So beautiful!

Sorry to have taken so long with this book, life happens and it's way overdue for the post office! Thanks for your patience, and for letting me add to this wonderful volume!


Friday, October 15, 2010

Thalia's book

Thalia's book is finished and is bound for Peru tomorrow morning! 
Last entry:

Dream Moly: moly_x_58, Thalia's book, albina's entry (with transition from previous entry)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dear Molyx58 Team

Dear Molyx58 Team!

Hope you are having a lovely summer so far or winter depending on where you are ^_^.
My name is Tania and I am the moderator assigned to groups MOlYX51 through MOlYX60. I am here to basically assist all of you in any way I can to keep your group together, evolving, creating and hopefully finishing up all the wonderful books that are floating around between each others hands, inclusive of nudging anyone along who falls behind and anything else in between.
~A little bit about me I am an artist residing in NYC, I am in a few of the MOLYgroups here is my link as an introduction to who I am:
In the meantime I hope to hear from all of you at some point, you now have my email address, and if there is anything pressing I should be aware of in the meantime, do get in touch with me. ^_^

On a Sunday Afternoon,


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Congratulations Emon Xie

Happy Parenting to you.

Hey everyone, Emon is a new dad !!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Miracle fish

Water like mirrors
Yellow, red miracle fish
Reflect shattered suns

This is a  "Haiku", a japanese style poem, as contribution to Sudjino's book.
This is the last contribution before it returns to Moscow, so I scanned the total book so far; see image below.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Just received...

Mr. Jeffrey Scott Stan's "I Went for a Walk" Moly safe and sound, very nice work inside! I'll set to adding my part this weekend, and hope this finds everyone well!

Friday, June 11, 2010


eeeep!!!!first finished moly!!!!
hey!Ellen!do you like it? ^___^

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thalia's Dream Moly

Here is my entry of some of the dreams that go through my head with a self portrait of me sleeping. This Moly has one more stop before it heads home to its owner.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mona Lisa

Here is my contribution to Ellen's book: "women in trees". Actually more like "woman in wood"....
Actually, last week another book arrived, sent to me by Albina. It was my own, I think it is the first one to make the complete tour.
But to my shame I also realised I have 3 books in my posession now. Work to be done.
I will send this one out to Anastasiya this weekend.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Hi hi)))))
my entry in Albina's moly)))

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thalia's Dream

Something about this bugs me (giggle)...
Any rate, hope you all enjoy my entry into this fabulous Moly!

And SCoach, could you send me your address again (sorry!)? Thanks!
