Sunday, January 18, 2009

a peek at progress

I'm a little slower than I'd like to be; however, I'll get this on into the mail this week. The biggest challenge has been deciding a theme, and in the end, I looked to the previous posts on this blog, in particular the beautiful goldfish there, for inspiration.

More soon!

Dream Moly

So finally I finish (or "fish") my moly entry! It's about dreams so free your minds! I hope you guys like it! =)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

René: the travelling moleskine

Well, here is my entry for the Moly_x_58, travelling moleskine, obviously because that's what it is.
I still feel enthralled by the idea that this small book is ready for a trip around the world.
It would be nice if you would put in something which you consider to be local. Not like the tourist stuff, but a scene or theme or person you think is telling. Like your street. Your breakfast table. Your idea of christmas. Your local store. Your favorite box of cereals. Your fascination about "fine art" a.k.a. tree women. Whatever.

Here I show the (small) town I live in, Hoensbroek. We have a fine medieval castle on one side of the town. On the other side we have castle of Amstenrade, 18th century. In between the road I live in: the "Patersweg".
BTW: I forgot to leave space for a sign off space, feel free to put your name somewhere with your entry.
I will be sending this off soon to Anastasiya, looking forward to your books!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ellen's book - Tree woman

Hey everybody! I've got an entry done on my book & will send it off once I've done something for a sign in page.

At first, I thought that nothing could be cooler than having a theme for the book. Then after I mulled it over, I thought that leaving the design up to each artist was even better. Boths ideas sound good to me, so for my first moly, I am going theme-less. Everyone involved in this project is so talented & I can't wait to see how this book evolves with your ideas :-)

So, the concept of the tree woman came to me from a friend a few years ago. The idea intrigued me & I have sketched various versions of a tree woman but have not put her into a work until now. Perhaps she was just waiting for me to find Moly X.....I dunno.

Progression photos of this drawing can be found here:


Monday, January 12, 2009

How many pages per person per book? I keep on wondering about it, and keep on forgetting to ask...

"The Secret Garden"

OK, here it is! Theme for my book is “The Secret Garden”, it just sort of happened – I was doodling and flowers started sprouting…

What do you grow in your Secret Garden? Who lives there? Who do you bring there for a walk or a stay? Is it a water garden? Under-the-sea garden? Moon garden? Ice garden? A jungle? What creatures inhabit it? Is it dark in there or is it filled with light? Would it be dangerous to walk through your garden or not so much?

I can’t wait to send this off, so this garden will grow… I can’t wait to see everyone’s vision shape it as my moly makes a journey from person to person. I have to finish a front piece for a sign up page, and then it is off to Thalia!

Friday, January 2, 2009

My entry

"The only interesting thing is a miracle as it transform the phisical structure of the world."
Daniil Harms

It is a theme of my moly exchange(I am ready to start^__^)
enjoy & have fun
Happy New Year my dear friends

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Scott's First Entry (Scoach)

I picked a theme for my notebook, "I went for a walk." My first entry is about a bird that flew by. I hope all of you can have fun adding to the story by saying what happened when you went for a walk, or you could continue by pretending that you are me and walking further.

Let me know when you all are ready to mail out your Molys, and do you want to do addresses here or on Flickr? Thanks and happy new year everyone.