Hey everybody! I've got an entry done on my book & will send it off once I've done something for a sign in page.
At first, I thought that nothing could be cooler than having a theme for the book. Then after I mulled it over, I thought that leaving the design up to each artist was even better. Boths ideas sound good to me, so for my first moly, I am going theme-less. Everyone involved in this project is so talented & I can't wait to see how this book evolves with your ideas :-)
So, the concept of the tree woman came to me from a friend a few years ago. The idea intrigued me & I have sketched various versions of a tree woman but have not put her into a work until now. Perhaps she was just waiting for me to find Moly X.....I dunno.
Progression photos of this drawing can be found here: http://flickr.com/photos/osoazuldesign/
p.s. i am sorry if anyone is offended by breasts but she looked really weird without 'em....and it is my book...i won't put boobs in your books...unless you specifically request boobs of course...in that case, you will certainly get boobs :-P a boob themed book could be fun actually...
Oh, now I will HAVE TO paint some boobs in your moly, Ellen! No question about it... This is how a theme-less book can be turned into a boob-themed book in no time! I say we all go for it and have a fine artistic frenzy on the subject...
btw, you can paint boobs in my moly anytime!
I used to joke that judging from Western Art traditions, adding boobs instantly made something into fine art. Any rate, I'm with Albina on this, and while we're art it, feel free to add some "fine art" to mine when it gets around to ya!
Great kick off to your Moly, totally! :)
I love boobs)))))))))))))))))))))))
I am laughing in my office this morning after reading all of your postings. Thanks Ellen for getting your book started.
ha! you guys are funny :-) i find boobs to be marvelous things too! i'll have to include more boobs in my arts so that i'll be taken more seriously in the future, good to know :-P
OMG this is hilarious... ha ha! I can't spot laughing! But the way I love boobs too! ha ha... who doesn't love boobs really? I'm almost done with the entry in my moly =). This is sooooo fun!
I think you have found yourself a most original booktheme here. Boobs. The world would be a lot less fun without them;)
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