Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Albina's secret garden

Here is my contribution to the secret garden books of Albina. I must say it was a difficult one for me; drawing for romantic subjects is not really my thing. But of course that is the challeging thing about Moly_x: you are forced to react on totally different subjects than what you're used to!
The hidden world idea reminded me of the story of Jonas and the whale, I can't think of a more secret world...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

i went for a walk...

and all i found was cables everywhere... i hope u guys like it! and tomorrow it's on it's way to rene.

Status and update

Out of curiosity I tried to figure out where the books are at present.
This is based on the messages in this blog, which was not easy to figure out. So if I got something wrong, please notify me.
The book travel along the horizontal line from one to the other.
I was glad to see that everyone is still involved.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Scott adds to Sudjino's Moly

You mentioned a miracle transforming the physical structure of the world. Here are some spicebush swallowtail caterpillers spelling out the word "miracle" as they crawl over a branch and some abstract leaves. The miracle of the butterfly is hanging below the branch, is actual size, and we grow and hatch these every year in our garden. They love parsley and dill.