Well, here is my entry for the Moly_x_58, travelling moleskine, obviously because that's what it is.
I still feel enthralled by the idea that this small book is ready for a trip around the world.
It would be nice if you would put in something which you consider to be local. Not like the tourist stuff, but a scene or theme or person you think is telling. Like your street. Your breakfast table. Your idea of christmas. Your local store. Your favorite box of cereals. Your fascination about "fine art" a.k.a. tree women. Whatever.
Here I show the (small) town I live in, Hoensbroek. We have a fine medieval castle on one side of the town. On the other side we have castle of Amstenrade, 18th century. In between the road I live in: the "Patersweg".
BTW: I forgot to leave space for a sign off space, feel free to put your name somewhere with your entry.
I will be sending this off soon to Anastasiya, looking forward to your books!