I went for a walk is the theme of this moly…and so I went for a walk down the memory lane. Some of my fondest memories are those of the walks with my little brother through the grove of the Larch Trees in the autumn. Larch is distinguished among Firs by its deciduous foliage. Those trees are really a sight to remember if you catch them just as all the needles turn brilliant yellow, and some of them begin to fall, covering the ground. It is truly magical – yellow needles covering the forest floor, yellow branches overhead, and tall majestic trunks rising like black columns. Larch trees in our neck of the woods (where I was growing up) were of Northern Asia variety (Larix sibirica), sometimes considered a distinct species.

Oh my goodness, you have added an amazing contribution to the Moly. Thank you so much.
Simply breath taking, wonderful color choices and rich, bold tone!
Thanks, Scoach -- staying up for a few days in a row does brings unexpected bursts of creativity :) We are all about bold, e!
...as a result of sleep depravation...
This is beautiful, the daring use of colour!!
So soft and pleasant colours!
Great work Albina!!!!!
I just wanted to let you guys know that I send my moly to Rene a couple of weeks ago and it came back, apparently I wrote the incorrect address so it came back. I already mail it back to Rene again with the correct address (this time I verify it), and I want to apologize cause it may delay things a little bit. Next time it won't be too long I promise. I almost finish Albinas's moly and the secret garden will be on it's way to Rene, but first I wanna make sure the first one gets to it's destination. I'm really sorry for all the inconveniences. Please be patience guys. XOXO
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