Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Albina's secret garden

Here is my contribution to the secret garden books of Albina. I must say it was a difficult one for me; drawing for romantic subjects is not really my thing. But of course that is the challeging thing about Moly_x: you are forced to react on totally different subjects than what you're used to!
The hidden world idea reminded me of the story of Jonas and the whale, I can't think of a more secret world...


Scoach said...

Excellent drawing Rene. What is the tune that you have Jonah singing in the belly of the whale?

thaliaeche said...

soooo beautiful!

Ellen said...

this is a such a great transition from thalia's entry. very nice.

p.s. rene, when my moly comes to you, feel free to work in some of your beautiful architectural style. i absolutely LOVE architecture. if you must draw some boobs, maybe do a brothel :-) heehee

emon xie said...

excellent! love the composition!