Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Albina's secret garden

First: the best wishes for the new year.
This is Albina's book, the one that got lost between the Netherlands and Russia. I had a spare empty book and redid the 2nd and 3rd drawing, the one from Thalia (flowers) and my own (Jonas and the whale). I will send it to Anastasyia early next week.


Scoach said...

That's great of you Rene. I know Albina will be excited to be back in the mix again. Happy new year !!!

marie said...

excellent !

Ellen said...

you are a hero!

emon xie said...

Really wonderful!

albina said...

Yay! I have your book now, Rene! It was doing some traveling :) I guess I will be sending it back to you soon!